An Author in therapy reflects on his unfinished work - his Magnum Opus. The story of his alter-ego: Sir Barry Brilliant.

One day the Author and his son happen upon the character living on the streets, far from home. Could it really be Sir Barry?

They take him in as he slowly starts to piece together how he ended up going from the World’s Wealthiest man to homeless

The question then presents: how does Barry get back to where he belongs?

When the rubber hits the road, or Barry’s head does in this case – it’s the Immovable Object Vs. The Unstoppable Force.

In a battle between the Mental Health System and a Man with an Iron Will – can there really be a winner?

Will Barry ever get home?

Leaving the Author to contemplate: Do our creative expressions, when they go unfulfilled, create vortexes in the fabric of the Multi-Verse?

And if they do – how do we fix them?

Sir Barry Brilliant has created a massive luxury space cruiser for 144,000 of his closest elite mates. Setting sail for Mars on New Year’s Eve 2029.

Televised around the globe of course, it’s a who’s-who-in-the-Zoo of the movers and shakers of Planet Earth. But all is not as it seems…

Sir Barry, infertile and impotent, had spent over a decade on a fruitless global search to adopt an heir to his empire.

As the space cruiser is about to launch, an unlikely candidate presents themselves. Barry sets about teaching them the unabridged secrets of the Elite, as only Barry can.

Meanwhile, with life on Planet Earth going completely skewwhiff, various disturbances are experienced aboard The Wish Fulfilment. The Passengers, and indeed all of humanity are in grave danger.

Is this the Apocalypse? Or is it just one of Barry’s more complex games?



Part III is so Top Secret, we can’t tell you anything about it. Even to reveal it’s title would be a Crime

I fear we have already revealed too much.

The Author of My Brilliant Apocalypse has been kidnapped by Shadowy Elites! The MBA franchise threatens to be cut off in its prime without an Author to continue the story.

With the events of The Wish Fulfilment seemingly behind him, Barry leaves his own World once again to help the Author’s son (Alex) find his Dad.

Their journey reveals shocking secrets of the Elite and the hidden power structures on Planet Earth, that even an established member of the club like Barry was not privy to.

Meanwhile, the Globalist Agenda has not only secured its stranglehold of Planet Earth, it is now branching out into the Multi-Verse. And we aren’t just whistling Disney-here-Sister!

Barry Brilliant and Alex Amazing must transcend physical reality to enter the Multi-Verse, and  prevent the nefarious Globalist Agenda from infiltrating every single Universe in Existence!

And somehow return the Author back to his World, so that he can carry on and end the story of My Brilliant Apocalypse once and for all.


(or how I learned to stop worrying and accept the mark of the beast)


The Brilliant Family Entity has been breached! With Barry off-world, a shadowy figure has emerged from the Light to take over the family business and implement an Agenda of their own.

Having discovered a Reality-bending, Paradigm-shaking, Tectonic-plate shifting secret, Barry and Alex must negotiate their way through the Void to return once more to physical reality. If they even can?

With Barry out of the way, the Elites have ensured the Brilliant Corporate Juggernaut will no longer stand in their path to complete and utter control over all sentient life-forms and expressions of consciousness throughout all realities.

With the final pieces of their millennia-old game in place, the Hidden Elite seem destined to relegate humanity to a future of eternal slavery. With Consciousness itself trapped on Planet Earth, to be used as a mere device for malevolent entities to ritually feast on material existence.

Can Barry Brilliant save the day – and help humanity overcome an eternity of imprisonment and perpetual Apocalypse?

What secret superpower inherent within us all could possibly overcome such Cataclysmic odds?