

The Hero's Journey has spoken to humanity through narratives for millennia. Since Homer's classic Odyssey, through Shakespeare, and into the modern age of Wizard of Oz, Star Wars, and Harry Potter - audiences have been drawn to the Classic Hero's Journey archetype of storytelling.

We are all drawn to this type of storytelling for a very simple reason. All us humans are on our own Hero's Journey. Every living soul. It's why we come here. It's our very purpose.

But how many of us accept the Call to Adventure? Or do we prefer to stay comfortable - settling for our cosy job with benefits, our mortgage, 4 weeks a year holiday, and the security of retirement. So we can stay wrapped in the comfort of materialism until our deaths. And live vicariously through the Heroes we watch on our screens.

Sir Barry however, is certainly no hero. Narcissistic, arrogant, belligerent - he is a selfish, greedy wealth-hoarder. And doesn't care who he has to crush to get to the top of the heap.

However, the Universe, and no less than his Creator, have redemption in store for him. The Abyss awaits Barry. At every turn.

But Barry being Barry, resists Death and Rebirth with all of his considerable will. He is a champion of resisting positive change. Not unlike many of us, going through this particularly epic moment in humanity's evolution.

Dare we consider real-life Elite's? Clinging to their fame and extreme wealth? Focusing on selfish pursuits instead of genuine sustainable and holistic change for our world?

Or the part of us all that knows what we must do. That in spite of being called to change, at least wants to linger a little while longer on the same, old, obsolete path?

Sir Barry is not "ready" to face the Abyss. But the longer he prolongs the inevitable, the more violent his necessary "death" becomes. And perhaps more permanent.

Sir Barry represents the part of us all that resists change. That part of us, expressed or not, that wants to eat the whole cake in bed, wake up the next day, and order a new one with extra cream.

Barry is the unhealed aspect of humanity holding our evolution back.

How much resistance can one man exert against his own redemption? Particularly a filthy, stinking rich Billionaire, who's had it all his own way for far too long.

Barry needs a few rounds of Apocalypse I reckon.